What Are the Most Common Illnesses?

Want to keep yourself safe from getting sick this year?
Getting sick can have a significant impact on your life, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many organizations won’t allow you to take part in different activities if you’re exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, even if you have another type of illness.
In addition, if you’re exhibiting signs you’re sick, you’ll need to take time off of work and might miss out on some pay. So, understanding the most common illnesses will help you avoid them.
Below, we’ll get into the most common illnesses that go around. Keep reading to learn more!
The Common Cold
On average, most people get 200 colds over the course of their lifetime, making it one of the most common illnesses. If you have a cold, you’ll probably experience a runny nose, fatigue, and congestion.
You might even get a mild fever. A mild fever is considered above the normal body temperature but below 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. If your fever reaches 103 degrees or above, your fever is considered serious – contact a doctor.
Common colds spread through the air or person-to-person contact. So, if you’re worried about catching a cold, limit your contact with sick people. You can also wear a mask to protect yourself.
RSV shares many symptoms with a cold. You might notice a fever, coughing, sneezing, or a loss of appetite and runny nose.
RSV can also cause inflammation of the lungs’ airways and cause pneumonia. Young children are especially susceptible.
This disease passes through water droplets, which are either coughed or sneezed out of an infected person. Someone else contracts the disease when you get them in your eyes, nose, or mouth. It can also pass on surfaces.
So, you should disinfect surfaces wherever you go. Carry antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer. Avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes.
The Flu
Influenza can occur at any time of the year, but it usually becomes prominent during the wintertime.
The flu is a respiratory disease that affects the nose, throat, and lungs. If you’re experiencing muscle aches, a fever, chills, and congestion, you might have the flu.
For some people, the flu is much deadlier than others. People older than 65 or those with chronic health conditions might experience chronic health conditions or die.
As such, it’s important that people inhibit the spread of the flu. One of the best ways to do this is to get your flu vaccine every year. Yet, the flu shot only protects against certain flu strains.
So, if you think you have the flu, you should stay at home. Avoid making unnecessary trips out. Your doctor might prescribe you a medication like Tamiflu to shorten the length of your symptoms.
Want to go about choosing a doctor? Check out these family doctors.
Ready to Fight the Most Common Illnesses?
Common illnesses can make it a lot harder to perform your day-to-day activities.
Your body’s ability to fight off illnesses will also depend on how you maintain your health. So, make sure you schedule regular doctor’s appointments and exercise into your life!
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