The New Revolutionary Commodity For Selfies – Selfie Drones

A selfie drone is a relatively new concept in the age of digitalization. It is a small automatic [unmanned]
A vehicle that takes photos from an aerial perspective. The selfie drone uses a minimum of three propellers. Its dimensions can vary from two to four feet in diameter. It comes with a handy remote that can be used to control it. It is an all-seeing eye in the white-blue sky. A very agile flying machine that is equipped with at least thirteen cameras and flies at a top speed of twenty-five miles per hour.
How does the selfie drone work? Is today’s society ready for it?
The selfie drone is made in such a manner that it knows your face, gait and the clothes you are wearing. It can hover behind the person’s back and moves when the individual moves, halt when you halt. The drone sticks to you and will never lose your trail when in deep dark forested areas. It truly is a miracle.
The future is airborne. The only way to lose it according to a user is to run around a tree infinitely! It is not a new concept but a very alien and dazzling practice. Various start-ups have launched this multi eyes flying machine. The first start being skydive. But other platforms have followed with varying features and improvisations. To know more about the click on this link Photo lemur is a platform that excels at technology. It even has its own automatic photo editing feature that runs on various algorithms along with AI.
Concept of these flying selfie machines.
It is not hard to agree that smartphones aren’t as smart when it comes to clicking the best selfies. Hence, creators all across the world came to a solution- a selfie drone. They boast of a good quality camera and had unique technology for recognizing facial features. They are super easy to control as they come with an app that can be downloaded on your smartphone.
. Photo lemur is a platform that excels at technology. It even has its own automatic photo editing feature that runs on various algorithms along with AI. Photolemur has more information about selfie drones check out their website