Static Code Analysis & the Important Things to Note

One of the things that you should know about the static code analyzers is that their development team is constantly under pressure. Plus, they have to deliver releases that are quality based. And in this process, one of the standards which they have to meet is that of coding and compliance. In this entire process, they cannot make a mistake. This is one of the reasons which have encouraged the development teams to use a static analysis tool. Static code analysis can be best described as the method of debugging by evaluating source code prior to a program is run. It is done in simple ways like evaluating the code against a set of or multiple sets of coding rules.
Static code analysis and static analysis can be replaced, including the source code analysis. But this is such a type of analysis that brings out weaknesses in the source code which might lead to some risks. However, this can be achieved through manual code reviews. One of the effective ways of dealing with this is to use automated tools. Static code analysis is mainly used so that it gets inconsonance with coding guidelines such as MISRA. One of the main uses of static code analysis is to comply with industry standards like ISO 26262.
Early Development Stage
In the early development stage, static code analysis is performed that too prior to the software testing begins. There are many organizations that practices DevOps. So, for these organizations, Static code analysis takes place during the phase of creation. Static code analysis also assists DevOps in which it mainly develops an automated feedback loop. This will in turn help the developers to know if there are any problems still existing in their code. Then, it will become easy to fix those problems. There are many types of coding issues that exist.
Coding Issues
As a static code analysis developer, you should know about these issues. The issues are programming errors, coding standard violations, undefined values, syntax violations, and security vulnerabilities. The process of static analysis is also useful in labeling the weakness in the source code which is one of the main reasons for buffer overflows. Buffer overflowing is a common kind of software vulnerability. The static analysis process has to be an automated one, and then only it will be simple. Once the code is written, a static code analyzer should run to overlook the code. There will be checking against the defined coding rules.
Check the False Positives
Plus, it is also possible for the software to show false positives, so it is very important for developers to go through and dismiss any of them. And after the false positives have been waived, the developers can start working on any apparent mistakes, which is generally starting from the most serious one. And finally, after the coding issues are resolved, the code can move on to the next stage i.e. testing through the process of execution. If there is no code testing tools, then static analysis will take a lot of time to work.