Research This: What Are the 5 Parts of a Research Paper?

Do you need to write a research paper to complete your high school coursework? Do you need help with identifying the different parts of an APA research paper?

Conducting research is a key step in widening your awareness and learning. It follows a scientific process, making it applicable to studies beyond educational institutions. It makes research and studies useful in all fields like business, public knowledge, and more.

Here, we’ll discuss the parts of a research paper, focusing on five key parts and their subparts. We also included some tips on how to write a good research paper. Continue below to learn more: 

1. Parts of a Research Paper: The Problem and Its Background 

When writing a research paper, the first thing to do is to present the problem you aim to address. Include the background of the study in this part. Discuss what drove you to conduct this research.

The background of the study also often serves as an introduction. After giving the context and purpose of your study, state the problem. Go back to this part of the research paper when writing the title and questionnaire.

The next slice of information to share is the significance of the study. What benefits does the study offer and who will it benefit? Later, when you write your recommendations, review this part.

Give the assumptions of the study. In short, think about the possible outcomes of your research. It’s a good way to communicate to the readers your desired results at the end of the research. 

Next, define the scope and limitations of the study. You add more context to the study by determining its coverage. Finally, define the terms used in the study to help readers reach a deeper understanding.

2. Review of Related Literature

Once you have a background, context, and limits, present a review of the literature. It helps to avoid casting doubt on the impartiality of your study.

Among all the parts of a research paper (APA format), this section is one of the most exhausting. During this phase, you and your fellow researchers must read a lot. It’s draining if you’re not the type who likes reading but prefers experimentation.

Your goal is to look for evidence supporting or refuting your study. Provide organized data from related literature. Categorize them under various subheadings. 

Keep in mind that this part is a combination of all studies. Avoid putting a simple list of individual summaries. Integrate the supporting data with your goals and expectations. 

Other than summarization, paraphrase and write indirect speeches. Doing these practices help avoid plagiarizing others’ content. You must have the skill and good command of language and writing to accomplish this task. 

3. Research Method and Procedures

Next in the parts of a research paper is to present the methods and procedures used in the research. Write down how you did the study as well as the research methods. Qualitative research is a good example.

Include the steps of a qualitative research procedure when writing your methods. The section must explain why the method was the best choice for the study.

Follow it with the subjects of the study. Your goal is to describe your respondents. Include important details such as who they are, their demographics, where they’re from, and more. Ensure that these details are relevant to further your study.

Put the details of the instruments used in the study under the right section. In most studies, the instrument is a questionnaire. After that, write your data-gathering procedures.

Once you have these down, discuss your statistical treatment strategy. Include your sampling method, formulas, and other treatments. If you find this part difficult, don’t hesitate to get research paper help from professionals. 

4. Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of the Gathered Data

Fourth among the essential parts of a research paper is the presentation of all the gathered data. The most common strategy is to tabulate all the data from the questionnaires. Don’t forget to describe the results you found in your study.

If your study used both qualitative and quantitative tools, describe their separate results. Interpretations of the data must accompany the tables and descriptions. If you don’t include the interpretations of the data, your audience won’t know your tables’ meaning.

Before interpreting the gathered data, analyze it well. For example, you’re writing these parts of a historical research paper. Don’t stop at describing the type of procedures and/or software that you used.

You should also try to formulate a conclusion based on the data you gathered. This leads us to the next and final part of a research paper. 

5. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Next, summarize the research paper, especially the data interpretations. Scan and reread the research paper to get a good idea of its contents. Keep the focus of the paper in mind.

In the conclusion, answer the earlier-stated problems. Here, you’ll prove or disprove your hypotheses and assumptions. Finally, include recommendations for further research, like focuses, actions, and other aspects. 

Does writing a research paper seem exhausting or taxing? While it may seem that way for people who aren’t fond of writing or documenting their work, it’s essential. Students and even non-students can learn from writing research papers

You learn how to gather and analyze data before making assumptions. Applying this in real life makes you a person with critical thinking skills. Research also promotes curiosity, the use of multiple sources, and better reading skills. 

Create a Conducive and Comprehensive Research Paper Today

Those are the different parts of a research paper and their subparts. Now you know the necessary components of your research paper. Use these to guide your writing process and make informative content.

Are you looking to supplement your writing knowledge? For more educational content on research and related topics, see our other guides now.