Is Your Child Struggling to Read? Try These 4 Things

Many children have a hard time reading. Some kids start to decode at an early age, beginning to read around three or four. For others, however, that act may not be possible right away. One in five kids is believed to suffer from a reading disorder. For these students, reading requires different techniques, enabling the brain to process print language. If your child struggles, try these four things.
1. Work With a Phonics Based System
There are different reading programs, but struggling readers tend to do better with a very explicit phonics program. They must learn the rules and apply them frequently. These kiddos do not fair as well with leveled books and sight word reviews. Look for a system to practice at home, and be patient. Give them time to learn one rule before adding another.
2. Try Multi-Sensory Learning Techniques
Some brains don’t learn through seeing. For kinesthetic learners, reading is troublesome. They need movement to activate the brain. Multi-sensory education means that you engage kids in activities that allow for seeing, hearing and movement.
Try writing sight words in sugar or shaving cream. Toss a ball around as you discuss phonics rules.
3. Reach Out to the School
In the United States, there are laws compelling school districts to locate students who fall behind and determine how to catch them best up. For some of the kids, that could require an individualized education plan. Speak with school officials to see if your child qualifies.
4. Seek Private Diagnosis and Tutoring
If you are still worried and answers aren’t happening fast enough, seek a private diagnosis from an educational psychologist. This professional can assess the concerns and provide you with a detailed recommendation on how to help your child learn.
Then, you could look for places that specialize in learning disabilities tutoring service Atlanta GA to find people who can assist your child.
When reading is hard, it is hard on kids and parents. Try some different techniques. If that doesn’t work, then ask for help from the school or medical professionals.