iOS App Development vs. Android: What’s the Difference?

The first Apple computer was created in 1976. It didn’t include a monitor, keyboard, or case. It was an assembled circuit board.
If you’re a fan of Android and iOS App development, then you might wonder what the differences between these 2 are. What meets the eye and behind the scenes is much different than you might think. Read on to explore these differences in order to decide what’s the right match for you today.
Programming Languages
Before you hire an Android developer or one for Apple, you’ll want to understand that they use different technology stacks. While one uses the app development process of Swift, the other uses Kotlin or Java.
When it comes to software engineering, many will tell you that Android app development is easier since Swift requires less time. As Kotlin continues to develop, this might change and lead to iOS being easier.
Android App Development Benefits
When it comes to app design, Android allows plenty of customizable devices. First, there’s an open system. This means that developers will have more options for development compared to iOS.
Next is the design. You can have a nice layout and user interface even without much experience. It also allows you to run multiple devices underneath one app.
Android App Development Cons
First, creating Android apps can be expensive compared to iOS. Next, it’s hard to test everything since there are different devices that run on various Android versions.
iOS App Development Benefits
One of the benefits of iOS app development is that there’s a standard UI design. The other benefit is that you might enjoy a higher profit. Apple users are more likely to spend more on apps in the Apple Store since there’s trust behind the brand.
iOS App Development Cons
There’s a lack of customization when it comes to iOS. Due to this, many developers turn away from creating apps in iOS.
Next, apps through iOS have higher standards which means it’s harder to pass. Many apps can be rejected if they don’t meet the requirements of iOS.
For Xcode IDE, it can only be used on Macs. This means that you’ll need to find a developer who has a Mac.
Developing Android
First, you can use the programming languages of Kotlin, Java, and C++ to create Android apps. You can also use Google tools such as Android SDK, Android Jetpack, and Firebase.
Android SDK uses Android Studio which is an integrated development. Firebase is a mobile app development platform. Android Jetpack uses pre-built Android components.
Developing iOS
iOS is closed-source while Android is open. This means that you can only use the code on Apple devices only. You can use Objective-C or Swift.
Some iOS tools can include TestFlight, iOS SDK, Swift Playground, and Xcode. Xcode is the integrated development environment for iOS.
TestFlight is for testing and over-the-air installation. This lets developers collect and test apps for valuable feedback.
iOS SDK goes along with the Cocoa Touch UI framework. This is what allows you to have interface controls, graphical elements, etc.
Understanding Your Audience
First, take a look at your demographics to decide which app development is best for you. Apple users are mostly females who are over 35 years old and work in business/media/marketing.
Meanwhile, many Android users are males between 18-34 who are in Energy or IT. Keep in mind that Google has a larger global platform share.
First, you’ll need to decide on your needs and requirements as far as the total cost of an app. You’ll decide on the platform and ask the development team for a price.
The overall estimated app prices for Android might be higher. Since Android uses many different screen sizes, this increases the cost and development time.
Deployment Speed
Google will allow your developers to handle errors. This allows Android developers to catch errors before they publish an app.
The review process for Android apps takes less time than iOS. This is due to Android apps having automated tests. Meanwhile, iOS requires personal expert verification.
App Design
Android uses real-world inspiration for its design. It uses color and motion for its defining factors.
Apple chooses priority over design. They favor white space and clarity over design.
UI designers often use gradients and shadows. This leads to being multi-layered and has a feeling of depth.
Android devices have support widgets on the home screen. While iOS has limited support when it comes to widgets.
As far as distribution with Android goes, you have more than Google Play. You can also release it onto the Amazon App Store.
Due to being able to be used on Amazon, you have a higher chance of reaching a larger audience. As far as iOS, it has an enterprise distribution model.
This means that companies can have tools used by a certain group of people. This means that you can have distributed apps underneath a private license.
If you have an iOS app for education, you can use the iOS University program. This will help schools use an application in their curriculum.
Deciding Between iOS App Development vs Android
After exploring this guide, you should have a better idea about whether you should have Android or iOS app development. Take your time comparing the 2 and make sure that it works with your business.
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