5 Essential Tips for Storing Food Correctly


Did you know that as many as 48 million people get sick from foodborne illnesses each year?

If you want to reduce your chances of making yourself or anyone else sick from your cooking, then learning how to store food and prepare it is essential. Not only will this information keep everyone safe, but you’ll also notice that your food tastes fresher as well.

Storing food the proper way isn’t as challenging as you might imagine. Keep reading this handy guide to learn 5 important tips that will ensure your food stays safe to eat.

1. Maintain an Optimal Temperature for Your Fridge and Freezer

Every refrigerator should be set to 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. When the temperature gets any higher, harmful bacteria can start to grow on your food.

Buying high-quality commercial refrigeration products and not overfilling your fridge are two key ways to keep your food healthy and delicious.

2. Keep Raw Meat on the Bottom Shelf of Your Fridge

Meat is one of the trickiest foods to work with because there are so many opportunities for things to go wrong. When it comes to storing your food, you should always keep raw meat on the bottom shelf so that any potential leaks won’t contaminate anything else.

For extra protection, you can put your packaged meats in a plastic grocery bag to create another barrier.

3. Understand Which Foods Should Be Refrigerated or Left Out

Keeping food fresh can feel daunting when there’s so much contradictory information online. Some people swear that refrigerating certain foods is necessary while others warn that doing so will make them spoil faster.

For example, fruits can be left out if you plan on eating them within a week or two and fresh herbs should be stored in a container with water like flowers. It’s worth learning more about which foods go where.

4. Keep an Eye on Any Leftovers

Leftovers are always nice to have since they save you some cooking time in the future. However, it’s crucial to store your food in an air-tight container in the fridge soon after cooking to avoid bacteria growth.

You should also get into the habit of labeling the date you prepared it so you can eat it before it spoils.

5. Be Mindful of Expiration Dates When Storing Food

Leftovers aren’t the only thing you have to watch. Refrigerated, frozen, and pantry items all have an expiration date.

Sometimes you can get away with eating products like meat a few days after it expires by doing a smell test. Pantry items like canned beans are actually safe to consume even a year after the best by date as long as the can is intact.

These Food Storing Tips Can Keep Everyone Safe

Storing food the right way is vital for both your health and your taste buds. By following all of these tips for storing food you can guarantee that every meal is an enjoyable experience.

Following food safety guidelines is just one of the many different ways you can look after your well-being. If you’re in need of some extra inspiration to adopt a mindful lifestyle, then our blog can be your most helpful resource. Read our other health and fitness articles so you can thrive.