What is the Treatment of Cannabis Dependence Like?

Sydney is one of the most livable cities in the world, with its perfect juxtaposition of the concrete and metal of the central business district to patches of green from beautiful parks. You can take a dip in Bondi Beach, stroll around Darling Harbour, or scream your lungs out at the rides in Luna Park.
However, Sydney also grapples with the problem of substance abuse. People take for granted the dangers of illicit use of cannabis after some studies confirmed its benefits to treat some medical conditions. However, you will find more cannabis dependents enrolled in Sydney Detox & Rehab to help them deal with their addiction.
The AIHW or the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare says that cannabis is the most popular drug of choice in Sydney, as well as the rest of the country. In 2016, 1 in 10 Australians were cannabis users.
Any rehabilitation centre would tell you that cannabis is very addictive and is far from being the safest as some quarters would like you to believe.
Is Cannabis Harmless?
Cannabis may seem harmless at first, but some people who quit using it will find themselves experiencing some withdrawal symptoms, which may include:
- Cravings
- Irritability
- Restlessness
- Sleep disorder
- Aggression
- Anxiety
- Stomach pain
- Weight loss
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
THC is the active ingredient in cannabis, and the chemical binds to the receptors in your brain that are responsible for relaxation and euphoria.
What to Expect When Seeking Treatment for Marijuana Addiction
When you enrol in Sydney Detox & Rehab, you will first undergo an interview process and assessment. A doctor will do a routine checkup and may also order a laboratory test to establish a health and wellness baseline. The interview results will also determine the type of treatment that applies to you.
Although most rehab centres follow the general principles of treatment for substance abuse, the treatment type should be tailor-fit to the needs of the resident.
Detox treatment
There are no drugs that are designed for marijuana detox. The doctors will try to manage the symptoms and make the process as comfortable as possible for the resident. Typically, the symptoms will subside or disappear after a week in case of no multi-drug use or comorbidities. But the withdrawal effects will peak from 48 to 72 hours after your last use.
Once you complete the medical detox, you will be endorsed for therapy and coaching. Cannabis dependence will wreak havoc not only on your psychological and mental state but also on your behaviour. People who use marijuana for a long time tend to be withdrawn, and they need help to adjust to their new normal once again.
The therapy will help find the root cause of the problem. In most cases, drug dependence is only a symptom of a much deeper issue. And unless those issues are addressed, the tendency to relapse after completing the Sydney Detox & Rehab is very high. The therapy sessions are bespoke to your needs. Some people will benefit more from one-on-one sessions, while others gain headway on group sessions.
The duration of the treatment will range from 30 days up to 90 days, or sometimes more, especially if the patient has developed several mental or psychological conditions as a result of substance abuse.