What Are The Fundamentals Of Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) Testing In An Electro-Optical System?

The concept behind MTF Measurement with its relationship with electro-optical systems is well defined. It is important that this quality is examined thoroughly before any electro-optical system is allowed to be deployed in the field, in the sense that it widely elaborates the scale of the capability of an optical system to convey various levels of details from onscreen image to real-life objects. Ensure that you have the knowledge about this type of testing to understand it’s benefits.
The Key Nature Of This Operation
Most times, you will realize the MTF test being referred to as the modulation transfer function test. This is considered widely as a helpful function to conduct tests as modulation transfers are partly in charge of generating detailed, sharp images often acted upon and seen in military systems.
It could be deployed to determine the standard of several features of a specific system, which include several kinds of lenses ranging from the multi-element you can imagine down to the simplest lens assemblies. Ensuring that equipment succeeds in modulation transfer function tests is what enables us to gain from a particular specification which involves a high contrast as well as high resolution.
Every one of the components below have a related transfer function that needs to be reviewed using testing and simulation boards.
- Video cables
- Image capture board
- Camera sensor
- Lens
Instruments And Methods To Apply
There are various means which can be used to conduct infrared optical systems test to examine the resolution and contrast produced. However, there are 4 major techniques you should know of.
- Interferometric approaches
- Video based techniques
- Image scanning
- Continuous or discrete frequency generation
The correct measure of this crucial component as an in-depth quality test implies that an apparatus can attain its intended use.