Types of Freelancers Every Law Firm Should Consider Hiring


About 32 percent of law firms are made of solo practitioners. Another 31 percent have between two and nine attorneys.

If you work in these firms, you know how hard it is to manage your caseload and run a business at the same time. It’s one of the reasons why lawyers burn out.

It’s such a problem, that it’s normalized in the legal industry. Instead of accepting the norm, do things differently. Hire freelancers to run various parts of the business.

Which types of freelancers should you hire? Read on to discover which freelancers you should hire so you can focus on client cases.

1. Content Writer

If you think writing legal briefs is draining, try writing blog posts, email newsletters, social media content, and video scripts. These things are critical because they’re central to lead generation.

They’re top of the funnel activities that get your law firm noticed. When it’s time to hire an attorney, your firm will be top of mind.

Hiring a content writer can help you stay on top of content marketing and stay in front of your audience.

2. Search Engine Optimization Expert

Social media and email newsletters are great for building awareness. When people are actively looking for an attorney, they’ll turn to a search engine.

If your website doesn’t appear, your business doesn’t exist to the person searching. You need to hire a freelancer that understands SEO for law firms.

SEO is part of online marketing. SEO services establish you as a local authority. Your law firm will appear higher in search results.

You’ll be able to generate leads at any time. Look up SEO for law firms for more info.

3. Bookkeeper

Financial oversight is critical for your law firm. You can easily lose money by taking the wrong case if you get paid on contingency.

A bookkeeper helps you with the data entry of income and expenses. They can invoice vendors, follow up on collections, and ensure steady cash flow.

4. Web Developer

You might already have a website, but when was the last time you made updates or changes? If you haven’t touched your website in months, it’s not a major security risk.

That’s because there are security vulnerabilities that get discovered daily.

Software developers launch updates and security patches to prevent hackers from exploiting their software.

If you don’t install these updates, hackers can easily slip through the vulnerabilities and take control of your site.

A web developer can handle these updates and make any other site updates. Most offer inexpensive maintenance plans to keep your site safe and secure.

Leverage The Types Of Freelancers

You have the legal expertise to be a great lawyer. You don’t have the expertise to be a web developer, accountant, or online marketing genius.

Hiring different types of freelancers takes the burden of running a business off your shoulders. You can put your attention into potential client consultations and manage your caseload.

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