Trouble Seeing? 4 Common Signs You Need Glasses

Getting called four-eyes when you’re younger isn’t a fun experience. Regardless of what the bullies say, needing glasses isn’t uncool at all. Many of us rely on this technology for minor to severe reasons.

Sometimes our vision over time wears. While you may not see as well as you used to, it’s best to address the problem head-on.

There are some signs you need glasses in the first place. If you’re not sure of some of the more common ones, read on below. Don’t forget your reading glasses though.

1. Nearsightedness

When someone can see nearby objects well but has difficulty seeing faraway objects, this is called nearsightedness or myopia. One of the telltale signs you need glasses is if you have difficulty seeing notes on a blackboard if you’re seated in the back. You may also have difficulty seeing people on a television screen.

If the eyeball is too long or the cornea is too curved, this is when the condition occurs. Myopia affects nearly 30% of the U.S. according to the American Optometric Association.

2. Farsightedness

Hyperopia or farsightedness is when you can see objects in the distance well but have trouble seeing close ones. If the eyeball is too short or you have a misshapen cornea, this condition will be a result.

About 5-10% of the U.S. population deals with this type of eye condition. One of the signs you need glasses if you are middle-aged or elderly with this condition is having difficulty reading. If you are younger, you may experience eyestrain or headaches.

3. Astigmatism

If you have astigmatism, the light won’t be evenly distributed in the retina. The individual will see images as blurry or stretched out. Most people will have a mild case of astigmatism which can happen at any age.

We recommended getting an eye exam if you suffer from this condition. Head to to see how often you need to see the eye doctor.

4. Cataracts

Over your life, you have experience cataracts. The signs you need glasses due to cataracts are blurriness, needing added light for low contrast images, and glare from headlights at night.

Next time you visit the eye doctor, have them see the level of cataract and if surgery is needed. They can also recommend the types of glasses that would be best suited for this. Cataracts will often form slowly and you won’t experience redness, tearing, or pain.

See the Signs You Need Glasses Sooner Rather Than Later

The sooner you can see the signs you need glasses the better. Now you have a better idea of what to look out for in the future. Be sure to give your eyes the respect they deserve.

If any of your friends and family have these issues, you can point them in the right direction. More much more health and science insight, you’ll want to check out our blog on the regular.