Ridesharing Tips: How to Stay Safe

Did you know that ridesharing is as old as the invention of the automobile itself? It’s true! In San Francisco, those with the privilege of a personal car and a robust enterprising spirit would drive around offering rides to people waiting for streetcars, all for a mere nickel, a streetcar’s fare.
Now, ridesharing has paired with modern technology and completely revolutionized commuting as we know it. However, much like with any exchange where you interact with strangers, you must follow some precautions to enjoy blissfully uneventful rides.
Continue reading for the best ridesharing tips that will help get you to your destination safely.
Stay Inside Until Your Car Arrives
This is one of the lesser-known rideshare tips, but it does a lot to prevent rideshare fraud. When you linger outside with your face glued to your phone, you’re unaware of your surroundings and a prime potential target for a bad actor posing as your lift. So, when ridesharing, you should always order your car from inside and use the app’s GPS map to choose a pickup location.
Keep All Communication in the App
Most car sharing companies have in-app communication tools that are easy to use and connect you directly to your driver. This means there’s never a reason to contact your driver outside of the app, allowing you to keep your personal information private.
Start Off on a First Name Basis
A fundamental tenet of ridesharing safety is verifying who is picking you up and what car they’re driving. So before you get in the vehicle or offer your name, ask for the driver’s name. Then, ask who they’re picking up.
Never volunteer this information by saying, “are you x?” or “are you here to pick up x?”
Use App Features for Ridesharing Safety
Ridesharing companies often offer essential safety features on their apps that you should use to your benefit. One that is ubiquitous is the ability to share your ride. This gives the recipient important information about the driver, the car, your ETA, and your GPS location.
Another one is the capability to dial 911 from the app. If you’re ever in a situation where you need to contact emergency services, you should do so through the app instead of dialing them directly, if possible. This can provide dispatchers with your real-time location and other essential ride details.
Avoid Riding Alone When Vulnerable
This is perhaps the most critical rideshare safety tip you should follow. If you’re dozing in and out of consciousness, too ill to defend yourself, or are inebriated, have a friend ride with you. Being in these conditions leaves you vulnerable to crime.
Likewise, never allow anyone you know to enter a rideshare car in such a state.
Ridesharing Is Safe When You Follow These Tips
While you can’t eliminate all risks from your life, you can strive to minimize them by following safety precautions. However, no single one of these tips can prevent mishaps during ridesharing on its own. Instead, use a layered approach and implement these measures together for maximum effect.
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