Everything About Artistic RajasthaniKhoba Roti

Historically, the state of Rajasthan referred to the land kings and is known for its rich heritage, culture, architecture and art. Eventually, its rich art is normally reflected in all the products including the numerous Rajasthani food recipes. One such artistic food recipe is the Rajasthanikhoba roti which you can find in any Rajasthani cuisines and restaurants as well as across famous food centres in India such as Rotimatic. The word khoba in Rajasthani language refers to deep indentation. The khoba roti follows Rajasthani traditional making process by pinching the surface and creating artistic forms of designs over the surface of the roti. Another reason why pinching artistic designs over the surface of the roti is possible is because the khoba roti is much thicker in comparison to other types of roti. Eventually, because of its unusual thickness, it needs to be pinched in order to cook it evenly.
How Does Khoba Roti Taste?
Just like a butter cookie or a pie, the khoba roti tastes crispy crust and feels softer from the inside. Usually, the khoba roti is eaten with a lot of clarified butter locally called ghee and popularly served with kadhi or dal as well as vegetable and chutney. The khoba roti can be consumed as breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks. The khoba roti does not get stale for along period and can be consumed the next day for breakfast. You can take the previous days’ khoba roti in the breakfast with only tea or just a bit of pickle.
The khoba roti because of its fabulous taste dominates the entire Rajasthani private home as well as commercial kitchens. Another reason why khoba roti is preferred by everybody who has tasted it once is perhaps because of its artistic designs. Sometimes, the khoba roti surfaces are designed so creatively that impacts the consumers and they ultimately feel the khoba roti testier than any other roti.
The Making Process of Khoba Roti:
Once the process of dough is completed and divided into several smaller ball type dough pieces, you can then start with the rolling process of the dough balls. Take a knife and make small and scattered slashes over the surface of the khoba roti which will prevent the roti to puff when baking. After this, start the flipping process and here you can begin the pinching the roti with a tweezer. You can make the first circle through pinching around the roti in order to make a flower petal by beginning with five petals in the centre.
In a similar way, you can then start the second round of pinching in between the two petals and go around the circle. It may sometime look messy, but it will not prevent the beauty of the design. Therefore, go on pinching until you finish the pinching of the entire surface. Now that the designing of the khoba roti is completed you can start with the cooking. Heat the skillet and cook the khoba roti lightly on the bottom of the roti. Then put the roti in anoven and your Rajasthanikhoba roti is ready for consumption. You can experience the delicious taste of khoba roti if you can make it successfully or can read about the experience of others through numerous Rotimatic reviews.