3 Signs of a Troubled Teenager

As children grow into teenagers, they experience many changes. Their bodies and brains change quickly and they will begin experimenting with fashion choices, music genres and other everyday facets of their lives. Many of the changes that they go through are perfectly normal, but some may indicate problems that parents need to address. If your child experiences any of the issues below, it is recommended to bring them to see a counsellor.
- Outbursts and Mood Swings
Most teenagers can experience periods of moodiness, but extreme or excessive mood swings can indicate developing mental health issues or drug use. If a teenager has a hard time regulating their emotions and has explosive outbursts, they may need professional help. Ignoring the problem can result in trouble, especially if the teenager becomes physically violent during moments of anger. If they strike someone or damage property, they could face legal trouble, the need for bail bonds Harrisburg PA, or time in a detention center.
- Isolation
Every person needs a different amount of time alone to recharge, but if a teenager suddenly craves solitude for long periods of time and shuns family members and friends to an extreme level, they may need help. If they are often found sleeping in their room, they may suffer from depression and need to see a professional.
- Trouble in School
A sudden shift in grades or an increase in the number of calls home about behavior issues can indicate trouble. If the drop in grades is unexplained by any recent changes, such as moving to a new location, parents should try to figure out what is going on. While whatever the teenager is going through may be temporary, the effect of bad grades on their ability to go to their chosen college may be permanent.
Going through the teenage years can be full of ups and downs. As they learn to navigate increasingly complicated relationships and determine their role in society, teenagers will naturally come up against obstacles. Parents should remain alert to any issues that are beyond their teenager’s ability to handle and be prepared to help.