What Is the Legal Limit for BAC Levels?

Every day, more than thirty people die from drunk-driving crashes. Drinking and driving is a serious offense that could have severe consequences. By understanding legal limits for BAC levels, you can avoid legal trouble and keep yourself safe on the road.
Keep reading to learn more about the legal alcohol limit and DUI laws!
What Is BAC?
In every state in the country, driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 percent or more is illegal. Doing this could leave you with a DUI (driving under the influence) offense.
Some states have lower BAC limits. And there are also lower limits for drivers of certain vehicles or people under the age of 21.
With that said, each person metabolizes and absorbs alcohol at different rates. And many variables can affect BAC. This means there isn’t an exact formula for figuring out how many drinks will land you a specific BAC level.
Plus, you can even be convicted of a DUI for impaired driving even if you’re under the BAC limit. Some states have an OUI instead of a DUI. Click here to learn about OUI meaning.
When Does the “BAC Clock” Start?
As a general rule of thumb, your BAC will remain within safe limits if you drink only one standard alcoholic beverage per hour. This equates to one shot of liquor, a glass of wine, or a bottle of beer.
Of course, conventional wisdom isn’t solid legal advice. The best way to avoid going over the BAC limit is to simply not drink if you know you’re going to be driving later.
You can also use a breathalyzer to get accurate results of your BAC.
Common Factors That Affect BAC
Each person is unique and will be affected differently by alcohol. Also, not all drinks are created equal. For example, a cocktail at one bar might have double the amount of alcohol as the same cocktail at a bar down the street.
Because of this, it’s vital you know yourself and how your body reacts to alcohol.
Some common factors that affect your BAC include:
- Overall health
- Alcohol tolerance
- Carbonation of drinks
- Foods you’ve consumed
- Medications you’re on
- Emotional state
- Hydration
- Metabolism
- Muscle and fat content
- Body type
- Height
- Drink strength
- Rate of consumption
- Gender
- Age
Because so many factors can influence BAC levels, you can’t just simply see that your friend isn’t impaired and assume that the same goes for you.
The Importance of Knowing the Legal Limit for BAC Levels
Getting convicted of a DUI can lead to serious legal, financial, and social consequences. However, by knowing the legal limit for BAC levels in your state, you can avoid this problem and ensure that you’re staying within the law.
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