Picking the Pieces and Moving on after Breakup

When your partner walks out on you, a part of you might seem to have left with them. Loneliness is a feeling almost everyone has to deal with at some point in their life. The loss of a loved one, or a relationship gone sour, leaves a feeling emotionally down. Even when a love relationship was physically or emotionally abusive, loneliness always shows its ugly head after a short while.
Studies reveal that loneliness can increase stress and other psychological challenges, such as anxiety, depression. Hurting hearts find coping with loneliness a daunting task.
Here are some sure tips to help you overcome loneliness.
- Talk to either people about what happened
Friends, colleagues, and family will only know what happened if you speak your heart out. At times, one may need time to sort out their emotions before coming into terms with what happened.
Even when you fear embarrassing yourself, or worrying about other people’s reactions, find someone who will listen to you. And because people do not understand coping with loneliness can be depressing, some will laugh, and others empathize with you. You will also find a genuine person who might help you through a devastating period.
- Have a face-to-face conversation with someone
A close friend, a sibling, a therapist are some of the people you can talk to about your loneliness. You can schedule to see and speak to them regularly until you’re able to overcome the ill-feeling.
A voice-to-voice conversation is most helpful when coping with loneliness. As you talk over a cup of tea, let go of all the pent up anger and frustration, the companion seated across the table gives you comfort and support.
- Appear for occasions
At times, one can wallow in loneliness and become pessimistic about life. The last thing they desire is being in the company of jolly merrymakers. However, to help you bounce back, accept that invitation to a house warming party or a weekend hike and see how you feel. You’ll find out that you’re feeling better and will be grateful you left the house.
Just show up. The probability is that you’ll find someone or something that will amuse you, causing you to smile, laugh, and feel better about yourself. If it helps you feel better, give yourself a little longer and assess your feeling. Stay on if you like or leave if you think it’s not doing you any good.
- Draw a social schedule
A long weekend or a holiday could be the period that posed an emotional challenge for you because you had gotten used to having company on such occasions. It’s essential to plan to help you recover the hump.
Schedule to do other activities such as visiting a sibling for a chat or even walking a pet. Going out for a drink with a long-time friend or colleagues can help to keep you occupied.
The motivation here is planning in time rather than wait until those lonely feelings descend on you. Because when it does, it gets harder to get yourself out of the pity-party mood.
- Be-friend like-minded people
A break up means you’re free to do what you wish with your time, space, and money. Rather than remaining grumpy and gloomy in the house, go out and engage in activities that give you sheer joy.
You never know what might come your way. It shouldn’t come as a surprise if you find a new partner by being around people like you. Do not give up on yourself and search for Relationship Breakup Recovery Coaching to get over your past relationship and the baggage that came along.