How Long Does Heroin Last in Your System?


Heroin is an opioid synthesized from morphine, a natural chemical found in the seed pods of opium plants. Heroin is highly addictive, and users build a tolerance to the drug, requiring higher or more frequent dosages to produce the desired effects. The length of time heroin remains in a person’s system depends on a number of factors, including their height and weight, metabolism, the amount of heroin taken, and the mode of ingestion used.Knowing how heroin works in the body can help you make better recovery decisions if you’ve used it or know someone who has.

Using Drug Testing to Detect Heroin

The following tests can be used to identify heroin in the body:

  • Blood test.
  • Saliva and urine tests
  • Hair follicle test

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved these drug tests, which may identify heroin in the body at different points following the last drug use. The sensitivity of the tests varies, and some will show a positive result for heroin for a much longer period of time than others.The hair follicle test is one of the most reliable methods for detecting heroin because it can detect the drug up to three months after use. Blood and saliva tests, on the other hand, can only identify heroin in the body for around 12 hours after the last time it was used. Urine tests last a little longer than blood or saliva testing in detecting heroin usage. A urine test performed 3 days after the last incidence of drug use may still show positive results for heroin.

How Long Does Heroin Last in Your System?

Although heroin’s effects can last for several hours, its half-life is only a few minutes. To put it another way, if someone takes a single dose of heroin, half of it will be flushed out of their system in just a few minutes. According to some research, heroin’s half-life is between 2 and 6 minutes.Several factors, however, can affect how long a heroin stays in the body, including:

  1. Metabolism

Depending on metabolism, some people’s systems take heroin more quickly or slowly, which could be a reflection of their overall health as well as many hereditary and environmental factors.

  1. Hydration Levels

When a person drinks a lot of water, the concentration of heroin that can be identified in their urine can be diluted. This could affect the rate of false negative results, depending on the test’s sensitivity.

  1. Acidity of the Urine

The acidity of a person’s urine can affect how they eliminate heroin. It could either speed up heroin elimination or cause some drug reabsorption in the urinary tract, slowing it down.

  1. Dosage Levels

Someone who uses a low dose or waits a long time between doses is less likely to obtain a positive result than someone who uses a greater dose closer to the time of testing.

Skyward Treatment Offers the Best Care

There is hope for you or a loved one who is addicted to heroin. Examining heroin addiction and how treatment can help you quit using heroin and improve your life in many ways is beneficial. Call us and discover how the heroin addiction treatment programs at Skyward Treatment Center can benefit you or a loved one.