A Homeowner’s Guide to the Different Types of Home Foundations


A home is only as strong as its foundation. This is why, when building a home, you need to ensure that you choose the right type of foundation for the situation.

Wondering about the different types of home foundations available to you? Then keep on reading. Here is your home foundation guide.

Slab Foundation

The first foundation we’ll discuss is the slab foundation. This is a foundation at its most basic. It’s poured in one piece and rests flat across the ground.

Slab foundations are beneficial for three reasons:

  • They’re quick to pour
  • They’re easy to pour
  • They’re cheap

If you’re looking to spend as little money as possible, you should go with a slab foundation. Note, though, that these foundations can struggle in cold climates. This is because, as the ground thaws and freezes, it can cause the foundation to crack, resulting in costly repairs.

Crawlspace Foundations 

The next type of foundation we’ll discuss is the crawlspace foundation. This is a foundation that’s elevated a few feet off the ground. It possesses “stems” every few feet, providing it with added strength and stability.

When a home has a crawlspace foundation, it can have items stored under it. You can also easily get under the home to make necessary foundational repairs.

Other benefits of a crawlspace foundation include protection from flooding, protection from earthquakes, and low cost in relation to many other types of foundations.

Pier and Beam Foundations

If you’re looking for the longest home foundation lifespan in a coastal area, you should go with a pier and beam foundation. These foundations are built to support homes that are ever-shifting. Therefore, they’re perfect for homes that regularly face hurricanes, floods, and the like.

How long does a home foundation last in this style? With proper maintenance, pier and beam foundations can last up to 75 years.

If you ever need help with home foundation repair, you can simply call up a local foundation repair company.

Basement Foundations

If your home is going to have a basement area, you’ll need to use a basement foundation. This is essentially just the exterior portions of a basement, including the walls, the ceiling, and the floor. All of these components work together to provide structure to the home.

The upside to basement foundations is that, well, they enable you to have a basement. This means extra living space and maybe even increased comfort within the home.

The downside? Basement foundations are expensive. You will pay several thousands of additional dollars to get a basement foundation.

There Are All Types of Home Foundations Out There

There are all types of home foundations out there in the world. The key is to choose the right one for your home. Use this article to guide your building process and you should end up with a perfect home for your purposes.

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