A Guide to Deciding Your Wedding Gown

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Do you have inspirations saved but still unsure with what design you really want for your Singapore wedding gown rental?

If this sounds familiar to you, raise your hands!

Over half of our brides end up liking something very different from their mood board, which is unexpected considering that this is how 80% of our consultations begin.

There is nothing wrong with pinning the images that inspire you; in fact, doing so is one of the best parts of looking for a gown (who doesn’t enjoy perusing stunning outfits?).

It is in our nature to like lovely photographs, but keep in mind that occasionally appearances can be deceiving.

Sadly, the majority of us ordinary mortals have very different body types than the lanky, 1.8-meter-tall models we see online.

The fact is, you actually need to give it a try before you can tell if it works.

After working with countless brides over the years, if I were to give one piece of advise to prospective brides, it would be to have an open mind when putting on gowns.

The Technical Fit

The second most frequent action taken by brides is to Google which dress shapes suit their body type.

It’s a good beginning, but finding the ideal item is more difficult than simply narrowing your choices using a body shape chart.

The truth is that bridal styling is an art, requiring a close, sincere dialogue between you and your stylist.

It is advantageous if the person you are speaking to is a designer as well as a dresser or salesperson. This way, they can address your concerns, take accurate measurements, and run the necessary checks to make sure that you limit your selection of outfits by choosing components that complement your physical features.

The Personality Test

Finding a match between you and the personality of the gown is phase two, which is more intuitive.

Although they look stunning in a tight mermaid cut, many women I’ve known opt for a simple modest A line dress that doesn’t flatter their body fully.


It simply doesn’t feel very ME-like.

I feel more relaxed and at ease in clothes that are looser fitting.”

Here’s where things get tricky, because becoming a successful bridal stylist requires far more than just technical proficiency.

The trick is if we can hit the jackpot by satisfying both the “physical compatibility” and the “personality bit.” You need to be able to ascertain (in a short period of an hour and a half) what your bride is like and what styles would fit her personality.

All wedding gowns have their own personality. And as one of the most trusted bridal shops Singapore, our main responsibility is to assist in finding the perfect outfit for each of our brides so that they may feel completely comfortable as they enter the church.

Don’t be intimidated; begin simply and slowly. If it’s your first time trying on gowns, here are tips to remember:

  • Feel free to pin the images you like; this will give your stylist a place to start.
  • Group your pins and photos into categories so that your stylist may better understand what you liked about them without having to sift through a jumble of images.
  • Shape, material, and neckline
  • Train length
  • Allow your stylist to dress you in a variety of cuts to see what you like. She can also provide her expert opinion on which cuts will make you look your best.
  • You can start looking at necklines once you’ve decided on a preferred silhouette, and then you can move on to additional aspects like fabric/lace types, etc.
  • If you don’t take a lot of photos so you can go back at them afterwards, you might forget what the first gown looked like when the session is over.
  • Tell your stylist what you like and don’t like about the look so that she can make notes.
  • Be eager to experiment